Friday, January 14, 2011

Fix-it Friday #82

I'm so glad that I found the website I Heart Faces!  In addition to the weekly themed challenges they also host Fix-it Fridays. This is great for me since one of my goals this year is to finally learn more than just the basics of Photoshop.  I love the tutorials that they post to go with the photos!

Here is the original photo provided for edit by I Heart Faces.

Edit #1:  Cropped, brightened the eyes, and sharpened it to add some definition to the freckles.  I just messed around with levels until I got a look that I liked.  I don't know Photoshop well enough to list out all the steps that I took.

Edit #2:  This is my favorite.  I love black and white photos. 


  1. Gorgeous B&W!!

    Here's mine if you'd like to look...

  2. Love both your edits, and how you brought her in closer! I, too, love the b/w! I'm partial to those for some reason! :)

  3. Oh I love your edits chica. The first edit is priceless.
